Live from your exquisite inner knowing.


Specializing in heart-centered, evidence-based therapy for highly sensitive women in North Carolina.

Does some of this ring true?

As a highly sensitive woman, you notice nuances that others miss and have the capacity to:

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Sense others’ emotions and energy as well as subtle sensory details.

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Empathize and connect easily with people of different ages and backgrounds.

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Feel deeply.

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Be moved by beauty, nature, art, human potential, and love.

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Understand and integrate multiple perspectives; think in complex ways.

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Be inspiringly creative.

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Be motivated by justice, purpose and meaning.

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Be especially thoughtful and responsible.

And yet, that same ability to process subtleties can leave you more susceptible to:

  • Anxiety

    That you can’t seem to shake.

  • Perfectionism

    Costing you the important things— time to sleep, recharge, and play with loved ones.

  • Feeling overloaded

    DEADLINES + Covid + teacher workdays + “Mommmmm- I need you!” + presentations + lawn mowerrrrrrrrrrr + soccer+ what’s for dinner?!!!

  • Confusion about what you’re feeling and why?

    Is this mine or someone else’s? Why am I crying?

  • Feeling especially vulnerable to feedback or criticism

    And not taking the risk. Or having to overachieve (to ward it off).

  • Difficulty prioritizing and asking for your wants & needs

    + Resentment that you come last… then Guilt.

  • Delayed career or relationship milestones

    You try not to compare. (But feel behind.)

  • Regular digestive discomfort, fatigue, or headaches

  • A lack of self-compassion

    Compassion comes easily for others, but not for yourself.

  • Feeling like a mismatch for this world

    Your skin’s too permeable, heart’s too big, and there’s never enough time.

Curious to learn more about high sensitivity?

What if you could…

Reliably navigate anxiety and uncomfortable emotions.

Get “unstuck.”

Recharge = Know your real needs + Ask for them + And prioritize them. (Ciao Resentment!)

Create a schedule that really works for you (too)!

Choose “excellent enough” and your priorities over fear-based perfectionism.

Choose when to use your gifts; let go of staying small, having to be the peacemaker, caretaker, or people-pleaser.

Each time you “level up” and familiar doubts resurface, 1. know that’s human and 2. take the next intimidating, right step that calls to you.

Find and sustain your Calm.

 Feel your EXPANSIVE energy.

Be Present More.

Play More!

Know --not only in your head but in your body-- that you are enough. Already.

Live confidently from your inner knowing.



I’m Jennifer Freifeld, LCSW.

I collaborate with professional women and moms who experience heightened sensitivity and all the wonders and obstacles that come with it.

Fortunately, your gifts of attuning, processing, and creating make you especially adept at making the changes you long to make.  I know this from my own experience with high sensitivity, the research, and years of working with clients similar to you. 

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Virtual Therapy in North Carolina

A safe space to be, explore, and grow

Appointments take place over HIPAA-compliant teletherapy, from the comfort of your home or private space. Even clients who may have initially questioned online therapy tell me they find it convenient and comfortable and the process just as rewarding. (The research also shows teletherapy to be as evidenced-based as in-person therapy.)  

For highly sensitive women (or HSP women) across North Carolina, teletherapy makes it possible for us to work together too.

In the words of a colleague….

As a colleague, I experience Jennifer’s deep compassion, intuition, attunement and connection. Her wisdom and insights have deepened my own understanding of myself as a therapist and a person. Jennifer’s sensitive nature allows for her to be present with and attuned to highly sensitive women with compassion and gentle care. Her skills as a therapist work seamlessly with her intuitive and sensitive nature allowing for a safe space for healing, insight, and growth. I have the highest respect for her as a therapist and recommend her as one of the most skillful and compassionate therapists available.”

~ Marie Dershem, LMSW

If this resonates with you, let’s connect!

Schedule a free 20-minute consultation to ask any questions you may have and to get a sense of whether I may be a good fit.